Hospitality at Cornerstone

As Christians, we're called to contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality (Romans 12:13). In the New Testament, hospitality is less about specific actions and more about an attitude of welcoming others into your life. This Biblical understanding of hospitality is at the heart of the relational culture at Cornerstone Baptist Church. If you make this congregation your church home, you'll likely find that much of the ministry here revolves around this simple yet powerful practice of hospitality. Practically this looks like many things:
Church meals
After one service every month, we will all gather in our fellowship hall and enjoy a meal while we also take part in the Lord's Supper. Outside of our large gatherings, you shouldn't find it surprising when families invite you into your home to share a meal. It is in our culture to seek to be hospitable, whether we live our lives together, or help one another when we are in need.
Sunday Fellowship
During your first visit you'll find its commonplace to see people arrive early and stay late, because we genuinely cherish the time we get to spend together on the Lord's day. We encourage all guests to make yourself at home and stay a while, we would love to warmly welcome you into our family!
Our meal ministry
Members of Cornerstone are encouraged to serve in whatever capacity they can, and some members of our church devote time to making delicious food for when we meet for our church lunches! Our vision is to see this ministry grow to provide meals for those in need.
Church meals
After one service every month, we will all gather in our fellowship hall and enjoy a meal while we also take part in the Lord's Supper. Outside of our large gatherings, you shouldn't find it surprising when families invite you into your home to share a meal. It is in our culture to seek to be hospitable, whether we live our lives together, or help one another when we are in need.
Sunday Fellowship
During your first visit you'll find its commonplace to see people arrive early and stay late, because we genuinely cherish the time we get to spend together on the Lord's day. We encourage all guests to make yourself at home and stay a while, we would love to warmly welcome you into our family!
Our meal ministry
Members of Cornerstone are encouraged to serve in whatever capacity they can, and some members of our church devote time to making delicious food for when we meet for our church lunches! Our vision is to see this ministry grow to provide meals for those in need.